What happened to this CR2 RAW fils?

Discussion in 'Technical Troubleshooting' started by Ray, Sep 12, 2019.

  1. Ray

    Ray New Member

    Aug 21, 2018
    Thank you, Ray Allen.

    "...a temporary glitch where the camera created a few corrupted files...."
    I wonder if it is a glitch I made due to my bad shooting habit, that is, I often press the shutter button too soon after one frame has been taken. And I noticed a few times that the shutter button would not respond. Do you think this might be the glitch?

    Yes, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" is why I am reluctant on updates, drives & software, except for Windows update.

    I'll keep shooting with Rebel T6s, anything & anywhere, just to see if that issue happens again. I'll come back to present a report after a week or two.

    Thank you again. Really appreciate your help.

  2. Ray

    Ray New Member

    Aug 21, 2018
    Hi, Ray Allen.

    I just browsed through this Canon Forum to see if topics not directly related to Canon or photography might be permitted to talk about on this forum. I did not see any.

    "I spent most of my working life in the computer industry so I like to have the latest software." You said. I have some doubt about whether the CR2 RAW file issue might be caused by my PC. Do you know anywhere else that I may present to you my doubts? It might break the regulations if we talk about computer issues on this Canon Forum.

    With thanks,
  3. rayallen

    rayallen Well-Known Member Site Supporter

    Apr 26, 2017
    There is no reason why we cannot have a discussion about CR2 RAW files and computers. Canon cameras are the only cameras that produce CR2 files and you need a computer to see the photos contained inside those CR2 files so any discussion is quite relevant and may assist others.
    To be using a version of PS CC you must be using Windows 10 so as long as your computer meets at least the minimum specifications for both of those you should be OK. If you are not at the latest versions of each of those softwares that should not stop you from processing valid CR2 RAW files.
    You have stated that you have taken a significant number of good images since the problem you reported above and that you have been able to view those OK. Am I correct there? If so, then your camera is now producing valid files and your computer is reading them OK.
    From my perspective there are no problems NOW with either your camera, memory card or computer.

    But, at some point, there was a problem somewhere in one of those components and it is difficult to now decide exactly where that was. The problem appears to have cleared so for now you should just monitor things and see how things go.

    I would appreciate comments from others if they think my assessment of the situation is incorrect.
  4. Ray

    Ray New Member

    Aug 21, 2018
    Hi, Ray Allen.

    Before say anything, I want say, THANK YOU, I REALLY APPRECIATE YOUR HELP.

    "There is no reason why we cannot have a discussion about CR2 RAW files and computers."
    The questions that I want to ask you are NOT related DIRECTLY to the talks and discussions here on this forum. Yes. They have something to do with cameras and image files but not directly. This is why I am a bit concerned whether that might be irrelevant to talk about here.

    "You have stated that you have taken a significant number of good images since the problem you reported above and that you have been able to view those OK. Am I correct there?"
    Yes. This is what I am doing so far. Take 50 to 100 shots daily, anything, in AV and M mode, just to see if the same issue happens again. All the raw files are 1. converted to Jpeg images and checked, 2. checked in DPP, and 3. opened 3 to 5 files by Camera Raw. Everything is OK so far.

    "But, at some point, there was a problem somewhere,,,,"
    Could it be (A). the buffer in Rebel inadequate for quick rapid shooting, and (B). insufficient battery power? I noticed sometimes the shutter button refused to operate or the monitor stayed black if the shutter button was pressed quickly one after another.

    With thanks,
  5. johnsey

    johnsey Site Moderator Staff Member Site Supporter

    Apr 21, 2017
    Fargo, ND
    5dMk4, 5dsR, 5dMk2, 20D, 70-200 2.8L IS, 100mm 2.8 Macro USM, 50mm 1.4, 85mm 1.8, 17-40mm 4.0L, TS-E 24mm 3.5L II, Rokinon 14mm 2.8; Pixma Pro-100
    I did some looking online, there are people who have had issues with reading raw in adobe products, usually related to incompatibility with the Adobe Camera Raw (ACR) version and the camera they have since the CR2 file is specific to the camera model. While I don't think the version is the issue, given that they are similar in age, and mostly since you clarified that you have no issues in general, but had a few of these corrupt files, I did find one that looks like it could be related to your issue.
    The article i found interesting is that some people had issues reading the file in camera raw with the box checked for performance using the graphics processor. While I do not know your video card/drivers situation, If it happens again it may be worth looking at that.

    Ray likes this.
  6. rayallen

    rayallen Well-Known Member Site Supporter

    Apr 26, 2017
    Hi Ray,
    If you have other subjects that you wish to discuss we can do that via PMs (Private Messages). I'll send you one nad we can take it from there.
    Ray likes this.
  7. GDN

    GDN Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2018
    South Island, NZ
    A little Canon stuff
    Like any problem, it is just a little trial and error to see where the problem could be.

    Keeping an eye on what you are shooting at the time of the error is a good starting point. Are you shooting in burst mode at the time, or single shot? Is this happening towards your shooting season when the battery is getting flat? Try a faster card. Download a free RAW developer and see if that helps.

    Just change one thing at a time to narrow down the issue.

    Ray likes this.
  8. Ray

    Ray New Member

    Aug 21, 2018
    Thank you very much, GDN.

    Really appreciate your effort trying to find any similar issues on the internet. Again, THANK YOU!

    I have not had any problem with showing CR2 RAW files in CMR. The symptoms on my images are of two types as the following:
    1. CR2 RAW files appear as images only a quarter or half of the files in CMR when they are opened.
    2. CR2 RAW files opened & edited normally in CMR, but becomes corrupted when they are saved.
    2a. BLACK stripes or bands or black layers covering 40~90% of the images if the files are saved as Tiff.
    2b. GREY stripes or bands or black layers covering 40~90% of the images if the files are saved as Jpeg,

    So for, I am convinced that the issue is NOT caused by Canon camera. It is something to do with either Photoshop CC 2017 or the CMR in the PS or my misbehavior during the saving process.

    With many thanks,
  9. Ray

    Ray New Member

    Aug 21, 2018
    Thank you.
    I'll organize the thoughts of what I want to talk about and present to you via PM.
  10. Ray

    Ray New Member

    Aug 21, 2018
    Again, thank you, GDN.

    "Are you shooting in burst mode at the time, or single shot? "
    I am shooting single shots.
    But I noticed some times that the camera, Rebel T6s refused to respond if I pressed the shutter button rapidly. I had to wait for 10~20 second for the camera to revive or recoup. Then the shutter button would respond.

    For my Rebel T6s, I have 4 batteries, 2 Canon & 2 after market, and usually carry 2 spares in my bag when shoot with Rebel T6s out doors. Battery is replaced right away when camera warns.

    The cards. I use 2 Transcend SDHC class 10 16GB cards for Rebel T6s. They are sufficient or adequate for Rebel T6s, I believe.

  11. Ray

    Ray New Member

    Aug 21, 2018
    Hello, Ray Allen.

    Grateful for this opportunity to talk with you about my photographic issues which might be caused by my PC and/or my unorthodox operations.

    My PC:
    Windows 10 Home Version 1903 64b.
    CPU i5-6400 core 4
    Memory 16GB DDR4
    SSD 128GB
    HD 1TB
    IDPC Independent Display Card NVIDIA GeForce GTX745 4G

    All the drivers and built-in software have not been updated since purchase 4 years ago.

    These are installed on my PC:
    1.SUPERAntiSpyware, manual.
    2.Malwarebytes, manual.
    3.Avira Antivirus, automatic.
    4.Shadow Defender.

    This is how I usually operate my PC:
    1.Check for Windows update first when PC is opened completely. I refuse auto update.
    2.Run Malwarebytes manually.
    3.Run SUPERAntiSpyware manually.
    4.Open Shadow Defender & virtualize the PC & operate in virtual state.
    5.Avira operates automatically by itself for preliminary defence in vertualized state.

    Editing raw files while running Malwarebytes & SUPERAntiSpyware & Wudows update:
    1.I have noticed a few times my entire desktop was blackout for a few seconds
    1a. At time when a raw file was opening.
    1b. At time when an edited file was saving as a Tiff file.

    Do you see any clue that might lead to the cause of the image issue?

    PS: I don't know how to send a PM on this forum, so I post my message here. Please excuse me if this violates the regulations of Canon Forum.

    Thank you.
  12. rayallen

    rayallen Well-Known Member Site Supporter

    Apr 26, 2017
    You click on the little Envelope icon next to your name at top right.
  13. johnsey

    johnsey Site Moderator Staff Member Site Supporter

    Apr 21, 2017
    Fargo, ND
    5dMk4, 5dsR, 5dMk2, 20D, 70-200 2.8L IS, 100mm 2.8 Macro USM, 50mm 1.4, 85mm 1.8, 17-40mm 4.0L, TS-E 24mm 3.5L II, Rokinon 14mm 2.8; Pixma Pro-100
    So I do have a few follow up questions.
    What is CMR? Do you mean Adobe Camera Raw(ACR)?
    You mention the raw file being corrupted, i do not see how this is possible...You mentioned opening and saving the raw file. You do not edit and save back to the raw cr2 file so it would not corrupt it.
    ACR allows you to open a raw file make some standard adjustments to get your photo looking in the ballpark of what you want and then you save as your desired format. As noted before I like the idea of a non-compressed file like tiff or DNG if you use Photoshop.
    You would then use Photoshop to open the dng or tiff file and make other edits. The process never writes back over the CR2 raw file, you create a new file. Think of ACR as a viewer of cr2 files that exports a Photoshop ready file.​
    Are you opening the tiff or jpgs in ACR? or Photoshop? Once the new export file is created I would not use ACR to open that, those are not the raw files. Are the files only looking odd in ACR because your trying to pull the tiff back in to ACR for some weird reason, or does the banding show up in Photoshop too?

    I really feel there is an issue with ACR on your computer. It may be related to the graphics card or something else completely. As noted that check box will tell the program if you can hand increased performance. What is clear is the issue is related to ACR, it may be just on the viewing side, but if the export files have banding then it is also having issues with writing to a new file.

    What do you do first? I think Adobe needs to be updated, I think you should also update computer drivers like your video card.
    This kinda stems back to why Ray Allen mentioned liking to keep everything up to date, if your graphics card is running a 5 year old driver, and you camera is 3 years old and your running a software that reads files from the camera that is about the same age then there are multiple points of failure. Companies will update drivers and release software patches to clean up glitches for reasons just like your issue. If there was an issue with a 5 year old driver for your graphics card, you probably have had issues with ACR the whole time. Updating Adobe would be smart too then to make sure its most compatible with the newest drivers for your graphics, and frankly maybe ACR will still not want to play nice in performance mode. Not to mention you probably have a few firmware updates for the camera too.
    As noted its best to keep everything updated with the latest bug fixes, thin if you still have problems change one setting or process step at a time till you identify what is causing the issue.
    Ray likes this.
  14. rayallen

    rayallen Well-Known Member Site Supporter

    Apr 26, 2017
    Thank you for the details of your system. I am prepared to help you and offer comments about it but it would be inappropriate to make those comments on the forum. I will only reply via a Private Conversation. I sent you a conversation and if you click on the Envelope icon beside your name then we can continue.
    You should also take note of what Johnsey has said above. I will be making similar comments and more.
  15. Ray

    Ray New Member

    Aug 21, 2018

    Thank you, Johnsey.

    The same reply I"ll reply to both of you and Mr. Ray Allen.

    These facts have been found in the last few days:
    1.Out of almost ten thought CR2 images, no other damaged images have been found except for the few as posted here and these few were of one time shooting. The possibility that the camera caused the problem is very low.
    2.PS CC 2017 edited around three thousand raw files, CR2 & ARW. Three counts of similar issue have been found, one count among CR2 files & two among ARW files. The suspicion that SP CC 2017 caused the issue is increased.
    3.Then, nine Jpeg files of Sony a7II were found totally corrupted. PS CC 2017 could not open any one of them. Faststone showed a red X on everyone of them.
    3A. These were shot almost five years ago, extra-fine quality, eight files out of thirty-three files in the same folder.
    3B. These files had never been edited by PS CC 2017.
    3C. This phenomena clears up the suspicion or decreased the suspicion of PS CC 2017 causing the issue.

    Now the suspicion falls on the PC I have been using for the last four years. It seems that I have to give it an overhaul.

    With thanks,

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