Warming up in the sunshine

Discussion in 'Post Your Photos' started by John L, Nov 20, 2024.

  1. John L

    John L Active Member

    Jul 10, 2019
    Frosty overnight here and I suspect the deer spent it in the orchard.

    They were there this morning, trying to warm up in the sunshine.

    [​IMG]Roe doe in the sun by John Liddle, on Flickr
    Bpip likes this.

  2. Bpip

    Bpip New Member

    Aug 25, 2024
    Canon eos600D
    Lovely capture John. I love the icy grass tips dotted around.
    We have deer and there’s a very short moment where we both meet in stillness and acknowledge each other before they then rapidly bounce away. To get that ‘stillness moment’ captured is a gift, although that girl looks to be enjoying the sun too much to bother fleeing from you

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