Test of my new Toy ... SIGMA 150-600mm ...

Discussion in 'Post Your Photos' started by UpperCut, Jan 4, 2022.

  1. UpperCut

    UpperCut Active Member

    Aug 4, 2021
    CANON EOS-1 D Mark II N, EOS-1 D III,
    EOS-C100, EOS-XC10, EOS-70 D, EOS- 7 D, EOS-750 D

    EF 20-35mm 1:3.5 - 4.5 USM, EF 28-80mm 1:3.5 - 5.6 USM,
    EF 28-105mm 1:3.5-4.5 USM, EF 35-135mm 1:4 - 5.6 USM,
    EF 35-135mm 1:3.5 - 5.6 IS USM, EF 70-210mm 1:4-5.6 USM,
    EF 75-300 1:4 - 5.6 IS USM,

    EF 24mm 1:2.8 , EF 40mm 1:2.8 Pancake Lenses

    SIGMA 150-600mm Telephoto,
    SIGMA 150-500mm Telephoto,
    Sigma 18-125mm DC OS HSM Zoom Lens
    Sigma 18-200mm DC OS HSM Zoom Len

    EF-S 10-18mm, EF 50mm 1:1.8 II, EF-S 18-55 1:3.5 - 5.6 IS STM,
    EF-S 55-250 1:4 - 5.6 IS STM w/ Macro, EF-s 24mm 1:2.8,
    First ever test Image with my new Birthday (70) present I bought myself as a treat.The Image was taken with a EOS-70 D & Lens fresh out of the box with full Extension 600mm ... Handheld of course!


    Early today about 6.30AM here in New Zealand same Flower & Camera & Lens difference is just it is all on a good Tripod this time! OA3H7910A.jpg
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2022

  2. johnsey

    johnsey Site Moderator Staff Member Site Supporter

    Apr 21, 2017
    Fargo, ND
    5dMk4, 5dsR, 5dMk2, 20D, 70-200 2.8L IS, 100mm 2.8 Macro USM, 50mm 1.4, 85mm 1.8, 17-40mm 4.0L, TS-E 24mm 3.5L II, Rokinon 14mm 2.8; Pixma Pro-100
    Very nice, how does this fair against your other 3 medium to long sigma zooms? Do you think you will trim down and sell any of the other lenses now that you added a 4th that overlaps in similar focal ranges?
  3. UpperCut

    UpperCut Active Member

    Aug 4, 2021
    CANON EOS-1 D Mark II N, EOS-1 D III,
    EOS-C100, EOS-XC10, EOS-70 D, EOS- 7 D, EOS-750 D

    EF 20-35mm 1:3.5 - 4.5 USM, EF 28-80mm 1:3.5 - 5.6 USM,
    EF 28-105mm 1:3.5-4.5 USM, EF 35-135mm 1:4 - 5.6 USM,
    EF 35-135mm 1:3.5 - 5.6 IS USM, EF 70-210mm 1:4-5.6 USM,
    EF 75-300 1:4 - 5.6 IS USM,

    EF 24mm 1:2.8 , EF 40mm 1:2.8 Pancake Lenses

    SIGMA 150-600mm Telephoto,
    SIGMA 150-500mm Telephoto,
    Sigma 18-125mm DC OS HSM Zoom Lens
    Sigma 18-200mm DC OS HSM Zoom Len

    EF-S 10-18mm, EF 50mm 1:1.8 II, EF-S 18-55 1:3.5 - 5.6 IS STM,
    EF-S 55-250 1:4 - 5.6 IS STM w/ Macro, EF-s 24mm 1:2.8,
    OF COURSE NOT as otherwise my Cameras would be lonely! I sold already the SIGMA ZOOM 100-400mm & the 50-500mm so left is now a SIGMA 150-500mm & the new 150-600mm. I did actually bought in Germany a CANON zoom lens up to 300mm but with 2 IS stages where as I had on without & one with 1 stage so NEEDED that one!!! No I use my lenses all the time on 4 Cameras so I'm good.
    Have just opened a site on Porangahau my home town so you mite want to like to look ... I have nothing else to do so might as well take photos ... rgs Roland
    LINK: https://porangahau.squarespace.com/
  4. johnsey

    johnsey Site Moderator Staff Member Site Supporter

    Apr 21, 2017
    Fargo, ND
    5dMk4, 5dsR, 5dMk2, 20D, 70-200 2.8L IS, 100mm 2.8 Macro USM, 50mm 1.4, 85mm 1.8, 17-40mm 4.0L, TS-E 24mm 3.5L II, Rokinon 14mm 2.8; Pixma Pro-100
    Actually the answer to my question is yes, you did sell 2 of them, I was working with the info in your profile.. 3 Medium to long zooms..

  5. UpperCut

    UpperCut Active Member

    Aug 4, 2021
    CANON EOS-1 D Mark II N, EOS-1 D III,
    EOS-C100, EOS-XC10, EOS-70 D, EOS- 7 D, EOS-750 D

    EF 20-35mm 1:3.5 - 4.5 USM, EF 28-80mm 1:3.5 - 5.6 USM,
    EF 28-105mm 1:3.5-4.5 USM, EF 35-135mm 1:4 - 5.6 USM,
    EF 35-135mm 1:3.5 - 5.6 IS USM, EF 70-210mm 1:4-5.6 USM,
    EF 75-300 1:4 - 5.6 IS USM,

    EF 24mm 1:2.8 , EF 40mm 1:2.8 Pancake Lenses

    SIGMA 150-600mm Telephoto,
    SIGMA 150-500mm Telephoto,
    Sigma 18-125mm DC OS HSM Zoom Lens
    Sigma 18-200mm DC OS HSM Zoom Len

    EF-S 10-18mm, EF 50mm 1:1.8 II, EF-S 18-55 1:3.5 - 5.6 IS STM,
    EF-S 55-250 1:4 - 5.6 IS STM w/ Macro, EF-s 24mm 1:2.8,
    Well, YES, I changed that forgot about it ... thanks rgs Roland
  6. Caladina

    Caladina Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2020
    Canon M50
    Canon 18-45mm m, Canon 18-150mm m, Canon 55-200mm m, Canon 22mm m, Canon 28mm m macro,
    Sigma 100-400c ef, Sigma 18-35mm art ef,
    7artisans 7.5mm m, Laowa 100mm macro ef, laowa 9mm zeroD m, Vintage M42 Lenses:
    Ashi Super - Takumar 1.8 / 55mm,
    grats on the new lens, its great on the moon and half decent on jupiter and saturn, for me its a tripod lens, i can manage to hand hold it for a while but shooting a 600mm when you fill the frame with something i find it hard to keep it in frame
    for hand holding and walk around i still use my 100-400mm and use the big girl for when i set up for a while
    UpperCut likes this.
  7. Scott Whaley

    Scott Whaley Active Member

    Oct 27, 2019
    Knoxville, TN
    Canon 7d mk ii, Canon 5d mk iv., Sigma 150-600 Sports Lens
    Did you get the contemporary or Sports lens? I have both & love the results.
  8. UpperCut

    UpperCut Active Member

    Aug 4, 2021
    CANON EOS-1 D Mark II N, EOS-1 D III,
    EOS-C100, EOS-XC10, EOS-70 D, EOS- 7 D, EOS-750 D

    EF 20-35mm 1:3.5 - 4.5 USM, EF 28-80mm 1:3.5 - 5.6 USM,
    EF 28-105mm 1:3.5-4.5 USM, EF 35-135mm 1:4 - 5.6 USM,
    EF 35-135mm 1:3.5 - 5.6 IS USM, EF 70-210mm 1:4-5.6 USM,
    EF 75-300 1:4 - 5.6 IS USM,

    EF 24mm 1:2.8 , EF 40mm 1:2.8 Pancake Lenses

    SIGMA 150-600mm Telephoto,
    SIGMA 150-500mm Telephoto,
    Sigma 18-125mm DC OS HSM Zoom Lens
    Sigma 18-200mm DC OS HSM Zoom Len

    EF-S 10-18mm, EF 50mm 1:1.8 II, EF-S 18-55 1:3.5 - 5.6 IS STM,
    EF-S 55-250 1:4 - 5.6 IS STM w/ Macro, EF-s 24mm 1:2.8,
    Well, for me it was just the first one as I would have no need for the Sport Lens anymore as I'm 70 now & not running around any longer. Would have been nice many years ago when I had the CANON F1 or my EOS 1D Cameras, and did all the Car Racing scene when I was doing the mechanical Race work here in New Zealand for people like F1 Champion Denny Holm (NZ) & Sterling Moos(GB) at the old time Benson & Hedges long distance Races. These days just for looking at Birds (the once with the Feathers!). rgs Roland
  9. Scott Whaley

    Scott Whaley Active Member

    Oct 27, 2019
    Knoxville, TN
    Canon 7d mk ii, Canon 5d mk iv., Sigma 150-600 Sports Lens
    I completely understand. I use both and the Sports lens is hard to use without a tripod. The contemporary lens is much easier. I actually took both of them out on New Years day to shoot Sandhill Cranes.
    UpperCut likes this.

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